Good Jobs for a Better Nashville

Good Jobs Nashville partners with high-road employers to bring valuable trade careers to the working families that make our city run.​

There ARE better jobs

We work with labor unions, workforce development programs, and business partners in our community to create pathways out of poverty.


“These resources helped me find a trade that I’m passionate about, where I can continue to learn and grow throughout my career. I’ve become part of a brotherhood in my union that feels more like a family than coworkers. The career I found gives me the chance for a better life and better opportunities to provide for myself and my family.”

what we do

Connecting qualified workers with quality employers

Nashville is home to many high-road employers that guarantee fair wages, family-friendly benefits, and a company culture built on mutual respect. Yet, recruiting and retaining competent workers from Nashville’s communities can be a struggle for these employers, even as many diligent Nashvillians fail to secure family-sustaining careers in their city. 

That’s where Good Jobs Nashville comes in! 

We connect these progressive business partners with accomplished employees, streamlining the recruitment and hiring processes while simultaneously serving as a labor pipeline that combats systemic inequality. 

Provide pathways

To rewarding, highly-skilled, family-empowering careers.

create a pipeline

Of new talent to meet labor demands in our booming city and streamline the hiring and recruiting processes.

advocate for community

By organizing a labor movement of solidarity that gets valuable resources to the neighborhoods that need them the most.

Build relationships

Through uniting labor, community organizing, and faith-based partners to create an expansive economic development agenda.